Monday, December 31, 2007

You've been here for 3 hours and you're asking me now whats on sale?

Yesterday I saw a nice 25-inch tv in Quincy and obviously didn't think anything of it. When I got home I found out our living room tv kicked the bucket, so of course I go there today and its gone. Saw a great 20-inch for 35 dollars today in Davis but thats too small for our living room. I'm sure I'll come up with something soon.

Davis Square

I don't know what they are doing here but they keep changing this place around. This place used to be the book mecca, but they changed that months ago, and it also used to have tons of cds, but they just moved them downstairs and the racks were mostly empty. I hope this is just temporary. It still has the largest collection of vinyl anywhere and I did manage to pick up vol. 2 ( I already have vol. 1) of Gregorian Chant:

Central Square

This place always seems to come through. If you looked in here you'd never think you would ever find anything.

Guinness glass:

Book on Pearl Harbor:

3 cd's; Smashing Pumpkins Gish, Tool Undertow, and Marilyn Manson Smells Like Children in the case for Portrait of an American Family:

Awesome record, awful condition ( the sleeve). Rolling Stones Hot Rocks 1964-1971:

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year is so trite, so good luck and god speed I guess.

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